Monday, August 1, 2011

Cosmic Prints

So I (along with the rest of the world) have fallen in love with cosmic prints. I thought it'd be fun to make a galaxy skirt, but somewhere along the way it became a scarf. I used grey silk that I hand bleached and painted. It turned out alright I think!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Shorts Alteration

Source: Tumblr

I love the high waisted shorts trend, but I haven't found the right pair just yet. What I think is great about these shorts is that although the alterations are simple, they create something that is a step up from ordinary denim shorts. Hopefully soon I'll get my hands on a pair of vintage Levi's jeans and be able to make something out of them.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Anni Jürgenson

I love these earpieces by Anni Jürgenson! I think they are a really innovative way of updating conventional earrings. They're only priced around $35+ but it seems that all the ones I want are sold out. That's why I ordered these great beads from Clbeads' etsy store so that I can make my own earpiece. It should be fairly simple.... except I'm not sure how I'm going to make the actual piece that goes behind the ear yet. Possibly with wire?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Wearing Tea: and not because you spilled it on yourself

Okay, so i've gotten over my I-wanna-stud-everything phase. But as they say, it's way easier to just replace one addiction with another. Introducing: tea staining! Dying with tea gives a refined vintage look. I've also been meaning to try a marbled look by adding coffee but unfortunately, it doesn't hold well. Although tie-dye is making a comeback, you have to be careful with tea staining--you don't want it to look like you couldn't get the stain out from that one night you faceplanted in the dirt. So I'm taking on this new project and maybe even experiment with other natural dyes like berries and flowers.

Naturally Tea-Stained Sea Urchin Dress by Raw Hemline

Earl Grey and Pomegranate White Tea pieces by Duskin

Tea-Stained Silk Veil by Girl With a Sword